Kto je Bill Gates? Softvérový vývojár? Biznismen? Filantrop? Odborník na globálne zdravotníctvo? Táto otázka, skôr skôr teoretická, sa stáva veľmi


Har sett plakat mot vaccin, restriktioner, 5g, George Soros och Bill Gates. Sen var det även många covidförnekare. Härligt gäng rent ut sagt.

Massvaccinationer har  sensurerte en kunngjøring om et foredrag om HAARP og chemtrails. Som en prinsipiell protest mot Aftenpostens misbruk av sin mediemakt,  Bill Gates 2. När jag var mycket liten och mörkrädd plågades jag mycket av skräcken att gå igenom en viss träddunge efter mörkrets inbrott. Sitter och tittar på en film om chemtrails just nu men jag vet inte riktigt vad jag tror själv. Hela himlen var full av dom idag här i stockholm. BILL GATES: A new kind of terrorism could wipe out 30 million people in less than a year — and we are not prepared Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda  ”My name is Paul Hellyer and I am a former Minister of Defence of Canada.

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No, it’s not satire. He came right out and told you that he 100% supports spraying chemicals into the sky to block the “harmful” rays of the sun. For real. Check it out: #Chemtrails being sprayed over Clintwood, Virginia. Had to wear a mask coming – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation exposed – The Great Culling has begun – The HAARP and chemtrails connection – Air Force veteran blows whistle on chemtrails – Soft kill: 19 ways they are giving us cancer – Scientists warn geo-engineering could kill billions of people Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails! It came to a head last year when CNBC put out a video titled How Bill Gates-Funded Solar Geoengineering Could Help End Climate Change.

- Bill Gates Backs Climate Scientists Lobbying for Large-Scale Geoengineering - Bill Gates Exposed for Funding Research and Promotion of Spraying Geo-Engineered 'Chemtrails' Across - Bill Gates Funded Solar Geoengineering Causing Global Warming Effects Bill Gates et les chemtrails Publié le 29 juillet 2013 par Vahine La dernière lubie de Bill Gates, après les vaccinations en Afrique et la construction de la " Banque des semences " dans le Svalbard Kto je Bill Gates?

18 mai 2020 C'est tellement absurde d'accuser la 5G, les compteurs Linky ou les labos chinois de la creation du virus. La première chose à regarder, c'est 

Source – Natural News. by Mike Adams, September 27th, 2019. The stated goals of these programs are, of course, devastating to life on Earth as we know. Those goals 2004-03-14 BOMBSHELL: Global geoengineering (chemtrails) experiment pushed by Bill Gates also funded by Nazi-linked Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, linked to eugenics and depopulation Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Source: Natural News | By Mike Adams "Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has been supporting a wide array of research on geoengineering since 2007, ScienceInsider has learned.

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Bill Gates admits that the vaccines are for human depopulation. According to him, to stabilize the world population, 350,000 people must be eliminated per day.

Chemtrails bill gates

Technocrat Bill Gates föreställer sig den främsta experten på nästan allt: datorteknik och universellt ID, vacciner och virologi, klimatförändringar,  Vill skymma solen. Miljardären Bill Gates vill kyla jorden genom att släppa ut aerosolor från flygplan. Svaveldioxid är giftigt och orsakar bland  The work and ministry of sermonindex can be encapsulated in this one word: REVIVAL. sermonindex is not a organisation, business, or any  MP är ett pajasparti. Förra veckan ordnade de en regndans i kommunfullmäktige pga den akuta vattenbristen på Öland. Det är samma Eva  En konspirationsteori (av latinets conspirare som betyder "andas tillsammans") är en hypotes eller teori om en komplott, sammansvärjning eller konspiration.
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Chemtrails bill gates

Bill and Melinda Gates are true partners in business and in marriage. First working together at Microsoft and then forming the Bill & Melinda Gates Found The billionaire philanthropist offers four bold ideas to help business take on the climate crisis We use cookies for a number of reasons, such as keeping FT Sites reliable and secure, personalising content and ads, providing social media fe In an odd, rambling defense in Time Magazine, Gates argues against the DOJ's proposed 'remedies.' Where are technology stocks headed? Find out when Jim Seymour shares his views on the "TheStreet.com" TV Show, Saturdays at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

5G Genocidal Technologies: Alla 5G / AI artificiell intelligens, DEW Directed Energy Weapons, Neurotech Nano, Scalar, Plasma Vapen,  (HD) Globalist tv conny andersson, fd polis om korruption. por: Globalist TV há 8 meses. Vídeos relacionados. (HD) Globalist-tv - conny andersson, fd polis om  Microsoft’s MSFT billionaire founder Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially 2014 Global March Against Chemtrails and Bill Gates Says Chemtrails Are Good For Us Posted on 04/09/2020 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply Air pollution has a new patron saint.
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When you reach the end of your rope, Tie a knot and hang on. Thomas Jefferson Great words of wisdom for us all. I have this husband, who is a graphic 

Är det värt det? För mer än tjugo år har amerikaner samt människor från hela världen har utsatts för kontinuerlig besprutning av. Lite sammanställd information om foliehattarnas favoritämne - Chem Trails och vidare info om dagens utbredda och världsomspännande  Kan bli poleringsmaterial. Stadsstyrelseledamot i Mariehamn slår larm: från flygplan.

Harvard scientists, funded by Bill Gates, are attempting to copy the effects of a massive volcanic eruption to block the sun’s rays and reflect them back into space. They hope these chemtrails will…

Hela himlen var full av dom idag här i stockholm. Faktiska sammansvärjningar under 1900-talet inkluderar bland annat 20 juli-attentatet mot Adolf Hitler, mordet på diplomaten Folke Bernadotte i Jerusalem 1948,  Särskild notering: Just nu är Internetrymden full med allehanda teorier och hypoteser, spekulationer och misstänksamhet, all tänkbar debatt och argument, om  Filmen smular sönder lögnerna om de spanska barnen i Sovjetunionen under det spanska inbördeskriget, berättar om vita barnslavar i Amerika  Har sett plakat mot vaccin, restriktioner, 5g, George Soros och Bill Gates. Sen var det även många covidförnekare. Härligt gäng rent ut sagt. New Age, Veganism, The Aquarian Conspracy, Bill Gates, Beyond Beef, The Earth Charter, Agenda 21, Depopulation, The Bates Method, Raw Meat. (Collective Evolution) Is 5G technology safe?

But electricity accounts for only a quarter of all the  24 Mar 2017 The climate researchers intend to launch a high-altitude balloon that would spray a small quantity of reflective particles into the stratosphere. by. 10 Dec 2014 By SUZY T. KANE It all began in Taos, New Mexico, where my husband and I lived and where for months I had been noticing jets in the blue  1 nov. 2017 Aspiration du CO2 de l'atmosphère, création de miroirs spatiaux renvoyant le rayonnement solaire, blanchiment des nuages… La recherche  3 May 2020 Thanks for the views of tonight's sunset!